

October is my favorite month. I know, come December, I'll be saying how beautiful I think it is when the slanted light makes the new grass glow green-gold and in April I'll be going on and on about how the flowers coming into bloom make me weak in the knees. But if I say those months are the best, know that it's a lie. October has my heart.

But now it's November. Which I suppose is ok, because I like November, too.

When I was in the 8th grade, I had a history teacher that always made us say "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!" on the first day of the month. He said it was lucky - and to this day I still remember to say it. My best friend and I text it to each other. It comes up in family discussions. What can I say, I love a good tradition - and a little extra luck never hurt anyone.

So rabbit, rabbit, rabbit to you - hopefully November will bring all sorts of good things your way!


Since getting back from Boston, I've found myself settling in for the season. It has finally started getting colder at night, the mornings are dark (meaning that I have the worst time getting out of bed), I find myself daydreaming about heavy stews and comfort foods...and creating has become something that I can't NOT do. So I've been making. And oh, does it feel good.

My latest inspiration has been rivers. Moving water. The reflection of light off of ripples. And so, I set about creating a collection of rings using ribbon turquoise to capture the feeling.


For the days when it seems that your creativity has run dry and you don’t know where to start - I offer you the Rivulet rings.

Take a minute to get lost mapping ribbons of turquoise, like winding water-ways seen from above. Find yourself on the banks, perched on smooth boulders still warm from the afternoon sun. Follow the current, winding this way and that, until you find yourself - wild eyed and heart beating - ready to begin again.

All will be in the shop this Saturday at 11am Pacific time!