Water Dog

Somehow, we've found ourselves smack in the middle of another heat wave. And while we've had some slight relief in the form of afternoon showers that speckle the ground with a handful of drops and drop the temperature by a few degrees, for the most part it's been up to us to find ways to cool off.

So on Friday, we swept away countless cobwebs and displaced a few too many spiders - and brought out the kayaks for the first time this summer. Then, puppy in tow, we headed for a quiet little reservoir tucked up against the foothills for our first Colorado voyage.


Ponder was afraid at first - trying to scramble over the sides of the boat and into the water. Mostly I just held her close, saying all of the things and nothing at all while we drifted and she calmed.

Within a few minutes she had gotten used to the sound of the waves, brought into being by the gentle breeze, slapping against the sides of the kayak and the way our shifting weight moved us from side to side on the water. Lifting my paddle and moving forward took more time still - but I found her a safe place tucked between my calves and before long we were cruising along, smooth as silk.


Halfway through our adventure, Ponderosa had her first (impromptu) swimming lesson when she finally wiggled her way over the edge. Her paws had barely touched water before Eric was scooping her out again - but even so, I'm thinking a doggy life jacket is on the top of our shopping list. She wanted to give it another go so we lowered her in to the water and held her afloat for a moment, with her little legs paddling like there was no tomorrow.


I'm thinking we may just have a water dog on our hands.